Muirfield High School values the rich learning experiences that interactions with digital devices facilitates. Access to a range of digital devices provides a strong platform for learning. Our students need skills and knowledge to effectively use digital technologies to participate in society, communicate with others and work collaboratively. Our goal is to empower students to be respective, responsible and safe users of digital devices.
Digital devices are electronic devices that can receive, store, process and share digital information and connect to applications (apps), websites and other online services. They include desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartwatches, smartphones and other devices. Smartphone misuse during lessons is often a cause of concern. Muirfield's Digitial Devices Procedures does restrict the use of smartphones during lessons.
Muirfield is a BYOD school. All students in Years 7-12 need to bring their own laptop to school. Specifications for laptops are in the school's procedures.
Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services Procedure (PDF 170KB)