TAFE in 2020
Would you like to start a TAFE course as one of your subjects for Year 11? Or you may be in Year 11 wanting to start a TAFE course in Year 12.
TAFE offers options to suit everyone. You can start a Board Developed ATAR course such as Financial Services (accounting) in Year 11 and count it towards your ATAR if you want to. Remember all the 240 hour Board Developed TAFE ATAR courses are Category B.
You can also do Board Endorsed course such a Design Fundamentals. These will not contribute to your ATAR but WILL count as an HSC subject.
TVET courses start in the afternoon, most on Tuesday afternoons. You leave school at lunch time and finish all your work for the week on that afternoon. You would need to think about how you would be getting to TAFE and getting home around 5:30 - 6 pm. You will be able to replace one of your school subjects with your TAFE course once you have been accepted and started the course.
Sydney 2020 TVET Courses (PDF 566KB)
Western Sydney TVET Courses 2020 (PDF 174KB)
TVET 2020 EOI (PDF 1178KB)