Muirfield High School

Excellence in comprehensive secondary education

Telephone9872 2244


Muirfield Canteen is run by the parents and citizens association (P&C). The canteen committee (a sub-committee of the P&C) meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm with our full-time manager to consider new products and ideas and to discuss changes that may be required. These meetings also provide our manager with support and encouragement.

Breakfast is served at the canteen at 7:45am so no student should start school on an empty stomach.

To volunteer at the school canteen, ring the school canteen and speak to one of the canteen managers.

Join the committee

The committee is elected at the P&C general meeting in November. New members are welcome to nominate and join.

New members are always welcome, so if you feel you could make a contribution to this valued service, why not come along?

Contact details

School office 02 9872 2244 

Canteen (direct line): 8845 9244 

Canteen hours 

Breakfast:  7:45am - 8:15am 

Recess:       As per recess times

Lunch:       12:45pm-1:20pm (Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri.)

                    12:00-12:35pm (Wed.)  

The canteen manager is Melissa Bouwer and assistant managers are Liandi von Straaten and Cecile Siu.

To keep our students well fed and prevent the need to go to the shopping centre for food we appreciate volunteer help.

Hours are very negotiable: 1-2 hours first thing in the morning is gratefully received as this makes great inroads to the sandwiches and rolls we have to prepare. One day a month, starting as early as possible, from at least 9am (or earlier if possible) until 1:30pm would be ideal. Morning Tea and lunch are provided.

Volunteering gives you the opportunity to meet the teachers and to see your child within their school environment.

We are always happy to have you visit the canteen. If you are considering volunteering and would like to come in and have a look around and a chat, please feel free to do so.

If you have any enquiries please phone on 9872 2244.

Download and view Muirfield High School Canteen price list (PDF 200KB)

Contact details

School office:  02 9872 2244 

Canteen (direct line): 8845 9244 

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