Muirfield High School

Excellence in comprehensive secondary education

Telephone9872 2244

Parents and citizens association

Muirfield High School Parents and Citizens association (P&C) welcomes all parents to the regular P&C meetings.

Acting as the voice of parents, the P&C has input into the education of their children and the direction of the school. The principal regularly consults with the P&C as the body representing parents. The P&C also provides important services for our young people and the school community, for example, operating the canteen and uniform shop. The P&C has representation on employment panels for Executive staff and for some teaching positions.

The P&C meets every second Wednesday of the month during the school term at 7:30pm in the Common Room located in A block.

The P&C and sub-committees may be contacted by email:

Current P&C Executive

  • President: Charmaine Hetem
  • Vice-presidents: Jay Bakshi & Preeti Kaur
  • Treasurer: Christina Sipkes
  • Secretary: Penny Janson

P&C sub-committees

A number of sub-committees are run by the P&C, providing services to the school community and income for the P&C. The funds raised are used to enhance the learning environment and resources available for the benefit of our students and the school community at Muirfield High School.

Muirfield High School Canteen and Uniform shop use an online ordering system called Flexischools. See the How to Guide (PDF 152KB)  to set up uour Flexischools account

Uniform Shop 

All uniform requirements for students are available only at the uniform shop. The P&C uniform shop may be contacted by email:

The uniform sub-committee meets on the first Monday of each month at 7pm during term time. The sub-committe works closely with the principal and school executive to review uniform requirements. The sub-committee's aim is to provide you with quality clothing at reasonable prices.

  • Uniform Shop Convenor: vacant
  • Uniform Shop Treasurer: Christina Sipkes

The Uniform Shop is open on Mondays 12.30-1.30pm and 5.30-7pm on the first Monday of the month during term time. Additonal hours at the start of the school year are advertised in the school newsletter.  Orders can be placed using the flexishcools.

  • Uniform Shop Manager: Melissa Bouwer
  • Uniform Shop Assistant: Wanda Zoghby


The canteen sub-committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm during term time. The canteen relies on parent support and volunteers to be able to continue to provide healthy food at a reasonable price. The P&C Canteen may be contacted by email: To register your interest in, please email, using this email address.

  • Canteen Convenor: vacant
  • Canteen Secretary: vacant
  • Canteen Treasurer: Christina Sipkes

Our canteen meets the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy.  We provide healthy and varied breakfast, recess and lunch options to students and staff.  Staff and students are encouraged to pre-order their recess and lunch meals using Flexicshools online ordering (see the "How To Guide" above on creating an account). Recess and lunch orders can also be placed at the canteen window.  Payment options are cash and Eftpos.  In addition to our standard menu, we also offer a daily cooked meal. Daily cooked meal options are displayed on the blackboard outside the canteen. 

Canteen Menu October 2024 (PDF 788KB)

Great Choice Certificate (pdf 132kb)

Canteen trading hours:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:   7:30AM to 1:15PM
  • Wednesday:  7:30AM to 12:35PM
  • Friday:  7:30AM to 1:20PM


Canteen Manager: Melissa Bouwer

Canteen Assistants: Wanda Zogby, Lou Tsiotinos, Kim Howard and Tina Aldous


Muirfield is proud to have a vibrant Creative and Performing Arts faculty (CAPA) program. The CAPA sub-committee supports the CAPA faculty. For example, by assisting at various performance and workshops throughout the year and with fundraising. If you would like to be on the CAPA committee mailing list, please email the P&C.

  • CAPA Secretary: vacant
  • CAPA Treasurer: Jason Montgomery