Muirfield High School

Excellence in comprehensive secondary education

Telephone9872 2244

School intranet

School Intranet

Muirfield High School Intranet Sites

The sites on these pages are hosted at Muirfield High School. You may need a valid school username and password to access some sites. Please choose a link from those below:

Having Difficulties logging in?

Some sites may request a password before providing access. If you believe you should have access to something you don't please contact the school.

Find something you aren't happy with?

The school staff make an effort to ensure the quality of everything published on our web sites. However, from time to time, some things are missed. Some content on these sites may be published by students without the direct knowledge of the staff. If you find anything that is incorrect, misspelt, or inappropriate for any reason, please do not hesitate to call the school on 02 9872 2244, or by email You can help us out by identifying the URL (web addess) of the page containing the error.