Muirfield High School

Excellence in comprehensive secondary education

Telephone9872 2244

Work Experience

Work experience at Muirfield High School is compulsory for all Year 10 students.  This year the week of work experience is 2 December - 6 December 2024.    All Year 10 students will be participating in work experience at this time. 

Work experience helps students:

  • Learn the realities of the work place
  • Gain job-ready skills and knowledge
  • Choose subjects for the HSC
  • Decide if they like the job or industry
  • Understand study, training and work opportunities

In order to ensure the safety of students it is essential that all the required paperwork is completed BEFORE the work experience starts. The Education department has specific insurance and indemnity arrangements for students while on work experience.  For more information about this please see the information for parents and employers below.

The Student Placement Record (pdf 239KB) must be completed by the student (Page 1) employer (Pages2/3) and the parent (Page4). This form must be returned to the Careers Adviser no later than the end of Term 3.

For safety reasons, some activities are PROHIBITED for students doing work experience.  Please see the list on Prohibited Work Placement Activities (pdf 35KB)

For additional information about work experience for parents and employers can be found in